The TEGIEL database is built on the basis of financial reports from the National Court Register and those published in Monitor Polski B, Monitor Spółdzielczy B, data from the Court and Economic Monitor, our own database as well as information from businesses and partners. 

The  TEGIEL database is created on the basis of financial data statements tried and tested in the European Union. A format for presenting data, uniform for all businesses, furnishes comparability which in turn facilitates easy and fast analyses, such as transfer prices analyses. 

The  TEGIEL database is updated quarterly.

The TEGIEL database holds data for more that 125,000 Polish businesses across all industries (with the exception of banks and insurance companies).

 The TEGIEL database contains the following company information:

• business name, legal format,

• address, telephone numbers, e-mail, www site,

• year of incorporation,

• NIP number, KRS number

• the primary PKD (EKD) code with a description,

• bank at which the company account is held,

• auditor,

• the Management Board,

• shareholders,

• aggregate financial and employment data for up to five reporting years (22 balance sheet items, 14 P&L account items),

• indicators,

• growth trends.


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