The Polish order successfully chilled the entrepreneurial plans of Poles. January was another terrible month for the simplest form business. As in December 2021, CEIDG submitted many more applications for suspension and termination than for establishing and resuming a sole proprietorship. InfoCredit's indices remain at their lowest since March 2020, as traders reacted nervously to the outbreak's constraints for the first time.

In January 2022, 26 528 applications for establishing new activities and 8 901 for renewals were recorded. 37 626 entrepreneurs suspended their activities and 27 235 ended.

- The tax system in force from 2022 can hardly be called transparent. There are opinions that it is the most complicated in the history of free economic activity. Therefore, it is difficult to expect any other effects, as seen at the end of last year and at the beginning of this year. We monitor economic activities on a regular basis. Since the beginning of the epidemic, we have been constantly publishing the InfoCredit index to analyze the impact of economic fluctuations on the propensity to entrepreneurship in Poland on an ongoing basis. This has been decreasing since the first half of 2021, when the assumptions for the reform of the tax system were announced - says Jerzy Wonka, development director at InfoCredit.

A massive retreat and a decline in the InfoCredit entrepreneurship index, the lowest since March 2020, we recorded already in December 2021. Then, 24 207 new ones were established and 9 110 activities were resumed. 41 480 were suspended and 26 344 were closed. The turn of the year usually brings more traffic in CEIDG, but last year it was not so bad.

Let's look at the data for January 2021:
- new activities 23 550;
- reissued 8 574;
- suspended 24 104;
- closed 16 412.

- The industry says that the New Deal, tested in Poland, can now be exported to Russia under sanctions. This is a bitter joke and I am far from laughing. The truth is, however, that entrepreneurs have given an unequivocal assessment to the new tax regulations. With such inflation and a very tense geopolitical situation, one could consider suspending the reform. I am afraid that with the growing burden on entrepreneurs, not only due to tax reasons, but also due to the increase in fuel, currency and raw material prices, we will again be dealing with an increasingly gray area - adds Jerzy Wonka.

In February, the situation begins to gradually normalize. In the first half of the month, 11 358 activities were established, 4 907 were resumed, 10 291 were suspended, and 7 979 were completed. - There are more suspensions and endings, but this advantage is gradually waning. We are waiting for data for the entire month, which will take into account the first days of the war in Ukraine. Only then will it be possible to draw more complete conclusions, says Jerzy Wonka.

How do we count the InfoCredit Index?

The InfoCredit indicator was created to track trends in micro-entrepreneurship, alternative forms of employment and self-employment at a time when the situation on the labor market and individual industries is changing dynamically. The index, which is prepared by the oldest economic analysis company in Poland, takes a positive value when there are more new activities than closings. When there is less than finished - negative. In the same way, we also track the relationship of resumes to suspended activities.


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