InfoCredit Micro Enterprise Index
• The activity of micro-entrepreneurs continues to decline. In January 2021, CEIDG received a total of 74.7 thousand. applications against 88.04 thous. a year before. Therefore, the trend that we recorded in the fourth quarter of 2020 continues. There are not only fewer new and suspended activities, but also closed and suspended ones.
• In January 2021, 23.4 thousand. business activities, 17.74 thousand were closed 8.66 thousand. and 24.5 thousand were suspended. For comparison - in the same period last year it was 27.84 thousand, respectively. (new), 21.76 (closed), 11.24 (renewed) and 27.2 thous. (suspended) - according to CEDIG data.
• The advantage of the suspenders over the unsuspenders in January 2021 was smaller than in December. InfoCredit index rose from -21,834 points to -15,816. There were 6093 more new businesses than those closed. This means a considerable increase in the index, describing the relation of new to finished ones, from 1,306 points in December.
January this year was another month in which CEIDG received fewer applications than the year before. And all of them, including those seeking closure and suspension of operations. And it has been like this since October 2020.
- We're becoming less active. Not only when it comes to new activities, but also those renewed and closed. Yes, the suspensions still outweigh the renewals, or even the new ones, but there were also fewer of them than a year ago. One of the reasons is undoubtedly the economic situation and the crisis that has hit many industries very hard. It is difficult to expect anyone to open or resume seasonal activities in the tourism or catering industry for the winter, since these were suspended - says Jerzy Wonka, development director of the InfoCredit analytical company.
In his opinion, the situation is also complicated by the uncertainty as to whether the epidemic will continue or not. So far, the beginning of February brought an increase in the number of applications, including those for new activities, but after a few days the situation returned to normal.
- It is hard to expect that micro-entrepreneurship will flourish again in the coming weeks. The more so as the Polish labor market has shown high resistance to the epidemic. Yes, unemployment rose in December, but only to 6.2 percent. from 6.1% in November. According to preliminary data, a slightly greater increase was recorded in January 2021, up to 6.5%. (5.5% a year earlier), but the situation is still not bad. Many of us in uncertain times value a full-time job more. Those who wanted to change something in their professional life from the new year and try their hand as entrepreneurs may delay bold decisions - adds Jerzy Wonka.
How do we calculate the InfoCredit Index?
The InfoCredit indicator was created to track trends in micro-entrepreneurship, alternative forms of employment and self-employment at a time when the situation on the labor market is changing dynamically. The index, which is prepared by the oldest economic analysis company in Poland, takes a positive value when there are more new activities than closings. When there is less than finished - negative. In the same way, we follow the relation of resumes to suspended activities.
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